I was raised on the Chesapeake Bay with my 5 brothers and sisters. Every weekend we would head out down to the Bay with chicken, string, net and a bucket for crabbing. We spent hours catching live blue crabs and would rush home where our Mom was waiting to clean and cook them. However, it was not till I was older and moved to Maryland that I realized we cooked our crabs differently than most people.
As we got older it always seemed that whenever our family would get together during the summer time we could not go without having a crab feast. No matter what the occasion, when the "Ross" family gets together we always get a bushel or two of crabs and the cleaning and cooking process would begin.
We are such die hard crab eaters that when our precious Mom passed away of Cancer in the summer of 2006 instead of hiring a caterer we decided to throw a huge crab feast for everyone that came into town and celebrate the life of our hero... Our Mom! We knew she was smiling down on us from heaven because we were doing exactly what she would have wanted us to do.
The Cleaning Process:

The Cooking Process:

It seems that over the years our family has invited our friends to enjoy in our crab feast and every year we get more and more people asking for the recipe and the directions in making these crabs. Some have said they never want to go back to eating the crabs with the shells on again.